Navid Gornall: VPC!

Yaasss! A nail biting win for Navid Gornall! He’s the new VPC for DUSA. BAM!!


Wow, it’s been too long, but as this is the unofficial TEESEE weekender haha, I finally finished a mix. A taster of what to expect tonight at Bass Orgy and tomorrow night at the BookClub!

Hope you enjoy the hacked up Ghostbusters intro.

Love X

iPad 2: What's New?

iPad 2

iPad 2 Rear

So the iPad 2 has just been announced in the last couple of hours. Some interesting new developments, but nothing ground breaking. This is pretty standard for apple as they constantly improve and evolve products rather than do anything radically different. Check out Engadget for a breakdown of what has changed. I think the dual core processor is a bit of a leap forward and I reckon there could be some clues in the design of this product for the iPhone 5. Also looking forward to the tweaks announced in iOS 4.3, should be some good new features for the good old ehPhone.

Prediction for 2012: I think this time next year we will see the end of the home button on the iPad, 2012 will be the year of the gesture!

Source: Apple, Engadget

iPad 2: What’s New?

iPad 2

iPad 2 Rear

So the iPad 2 has just been announced in the last couple of hours. Some interesting new developments, but nothing ground breaking. This is pretty standard for apple as they constantly improve and evolve products rather than do anything radically different. Check out Engadget for a breakdown of what has changed. I think the dual core processor is a bit of a leap forward and I reckon there could be some clues in the design of this product for the iPhone 5. Also looking forward to the tweaks announced in iOS 4.3, should be some good new features for the good old ehPhone.

Prediction for 2012: I think this time next year we will see the end of the home button on the iPad, 2012 will be the year of the gesture!

Source: Apple, Engadget

Navid Gornall for Vice President of Communications @ DUSA 2011

One of my good friends in Dundee is running for VPC at Dundee’s Student Association for the coming year. His name? Navid Gornall. This is what he’s all about:

Facebook link

So please make sure you vote on the 9th to the 11th of March 2011, Navid Gornall for VPC!


This is what I handed in for the play stage of my final year project. A brief description of what my project is, and a gantt chart of how I will use my time over the next couple of months!


Gantt Chart for the next couple of months

I also created a short video as the wifi element wouldn’t work in university. It is very short and scrappy, but gets the idea across nonetheless!

Blog Backlog

Right so I haven’t blogged for ages. Weak. This needs to change, and it is, NOW!

Before I get into the legit university stuff I thought I’d start with something fun. This dude below won $10,000 for his entry to a touchdown dance-off competition. This video makes me smile everytime..

Download the song here. FREE!

How to Repair Broken Pioneer HDJ-1000 Headphones

Many DJs and music enthusiasts have the Pioneer HDJ-1000 headphones. They are excellent DJing headphones and I have been using them for a few years now. Unfortunately due to the poor build quality the HDJ 1000s are prone to snapping above the ear cup, both my pair and a friends have snapped or cracked in the exact same place shown below.

The point where the break is most likely to happen.

The snapped HDJ-1000s

Mine snapped on both sides around a year ago and at the time I looked for a guide to help me fix them. There was one that I found very useful, but the photos were taken after the fix. So when a friends pair snapped, I decided to make a step by step guide to help out anyone else who might have found themselves with 150 quids worth of broken headphones.

Step 1.
Pick up some of this stuff:

Make sure it is the slow setting type, as this will allow you to make sure the three pieces are bonding correctly whilst drying.

Step 2.
Next you need the part you will use to bridge and strengthen the gap in the headphones.

Tin Snips and Computer Casing

I used a piece cut from a computer power supply, as this is easy to cut and bend into the right shape.

Step 3.
Now you need to measure and cut the part that you will use to strengthen the headphones. The measurements are shown in millimetres. Also make sure you cut the section you need longer than the measurements given. This will allow you to bend the part more easily.

Measurements for the bridging part

Step 4.

Cut, measured and marked.

Step 5.

Bending the part into shape

Step 6.

Checking angle against the headphones. It doesn't need to be exact, the glue will fill any gaps.

Step 7.

Cut, measured and bent into shape

Step 8.

Now cut off the excess material

Step 9.

File off the letter and roughen up the surface so the glue will make a good bond.


Step 10.

Mix the araldite and apply to the part and headphones

Step 11.

Glue generously applied to both sides of the break

Step 12.

Apply part to the glue

Step 13.

Do the best you can to support the headphones while they dry. Leave them for about 24 hours.

Step 14.
After the work is dry. Get back mixing!

All good for the radio show!

All good for Bass Orgy!

Rinse out approved at Discotech!

I hope this helps anyone who was in the same position as I was.

Please check out my facebook and soundcloud pages:


I welcome any questions in the comment section.

Deep Refreshment Mix

Put it on. Turn it up. Get horizontal.

Switch Backside Double Rodeo 10. WHAT?!

Epic powder session from the boys at smith optics. So psyched to go out for a play when I get back to Dundee.